Subcontinental Breakfast

Sam's travel blog, picking up in the Middle East where last summer's exploits in India left off.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sam spends too much time wondering how many shirts to pack

I write to you, my dear friends and family, from my bed in Virginia, surrounded by heaps of papers, books, and clothing that will, in the next 48 hours, be placed firmly in the "going to Kolkata" pile or the "not going to Kolkata" pile. Two notable items already sorted are my new underwear and my small travel guitar. My father purchased the underwear for me. We went, initially, to look at the poly- fiber- nano- whosamawhatsit shirts, which sport odorless insect repellant and a $85 price tag. We settled, instead, on two paris of fancy-pants underwear. The advertising slogan for this amazing demonstration of modern technological know-how is; "6 weeks; 12 countries; 1 pair of underwear." (Incidentally, this is also the slogan for REI's jock itch cream). I bought the travel guitar in the hopes that it would be better than nothing for keeping up the ol' guitar chops. I was wrong.

In other words: I'm preparing to take off. I've started this little bloggeroni as an incentive for me to document my trip, in words and photos, and to keep all interested parties appeased. The intinerary, for those just joining us: I leave the US at 10PM on Monday, May 15th, and 22 hours and 9.5 time zones later, I arrive in Kolkata at 5:10AM on Wednesday, May 17th. I'll be living (I think) with a woman named Debarati, paying $150 a month for a room and a bathroom. Included in the very reasonable rent is daily breakfast.

"What kind of breakfast to the have in India?" some of you have asked me.

Subcontinental breakfast.

While in Kolkata, I'll be volunteering with an organization called Vikramshila, which is an NGO that provides primary education in the state of West Bengal. At some point, I'll leave Kolkata and go traveling, perhaps to Darjeeling in the north, but I don't know for sure. Finally, I'll be leaving from Kolkata to come back to the US on August 11th.

So, the next time I post, I'll be in Kolkata. I intend to update this blog regularly, I think, as soon as I can find the nearest computer cafe and what have you. Please: comment freely! It'll be good company.


At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sam, you rock my socks (even my bougie REI ones). i was going to email you and ask you to send me your snail mail address when you know it, but i bet some other folks reading your blogaroo would also be interested in having it, so even better to post it here don't you think? if you post it before the 24th i'll send you mail in india from the dominican republic!


At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like we'll be real close to study abroad in-air tag team action! your timing for the trip is great, i'm just ready to tap out.

best of trips and consume some delicious subcontinental cuisene for me.

look for me over turkey,

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sammy --

The adventure begins! Know that your Uncle Charlie and I (living VERY boring, dull, uneventful lives) will be praying for you and all the people you meet. You will be a blessing for them -- and they a blessing for you. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you and your blog. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. "In all your ways, acknowledge God...and God will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:6.


Auntie Mariann

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the trip over was good, and no major problems. Take the malaria drugs!


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